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GenHydro Celebrates Activation of First Commercial Scale Reactor System

GenHydro, a Lancaster, PA-based clean hydrogen and renewable energy production company, is celebrating two years in business with the activation of their first commercial scale reactor system. 

Since its incorporation in Spring of 2021, the tech start-up has set out to create a world with clean and universally accessible energy for the circular, low carbon economy. GenHydro’s novel technology is leveraged through the design and operation of their modular ‘Clean Energy Plants’ that efficiently convert waste aluminum into high-value, renewable products. 


The GH-1, their first commercial-sized industrial unit, underwent successful commissioning and was run last month. The GH-1 unit is currently housed in GenHydro’s Lancaster, PA headquarters where it will be switched to continuous operation in late June, implemented for full time commercial use to generate electricity to power the neighboring businesses within Burle Business Park.   


GenHydro’s technology has experienced rapid growth along with their team, now a staff of 9 with plans to continue expanding headcount. In just two years they have developed a patented process for efficiently converting waste aluminum into renewable energy, clean hydrogen, and alumina, and scaling the GenHydro technology from concept to near commercialization.  

“GenHydro is shaping a global market for circular decarbonization, providing impactful ESG solutions today, curating a no-waste economy of tomorrow,” said Eric Schraud, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of GenHydro. 


As the GenHydro team remains focused on scaling their tech, a new reactor model, the GH-2, is beginning fabrication this summer. Compared to the GH-1 with a capacity of 4kg of hydrogen per hour and 158kw of electrical output per hour, the GH-2 will have 4-5 times the production capacity with 16kg-25 kg of hydrogen per hour and 450-690 kw of electrical production per hour – the ability to power approximately 639 to 988 homes per day.* 

The company currently has several projects in the pipeline with a number of well-known manufacturers in the U.S. and Europe, working to decarbonize their operations and help them achieve emissions reduction and energy efficiency goals. Together, these projects have the potential to produce 400MWh of renewable energy and 100mt/d of clean hydrogen. 

“The target is decarbonization and the focus is on impact,” said Schraud. “The novel technology that we have developed under the GenHydro umbrella is truly remarkable and I believe has the potential to kickstart the renewable energy revolution.”    


For more information about GenHydro and their technology capabilities please visit  

*Comparison based on the EIA study of electricity usage in homes across the US. 

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